Get YouTube alerts for new videos, shorts or live streams

Automatically receive notifications in any Discord channel for new videos, shorts or live streams so your community never misses any content.

Super Easy Setup

Easily add multiple YouTube channels

Adding new notifications is easy as using one Discord command or a couple of clicks from the Web Dashboard .

Animated demo video showing how to use the youtube integration for from the discord interface.

Highly Customizable Features

What you get with

Discord Embeds

Change not just the message and ping role but also everything inside the Discord Embed like the Author, Title, Description, Thumbnail, and more. Mix and match components - use any combination of text content, embeds, and button links.Learn more

Message Filters

Restrict notifications to only certain types like live streams, shorts or videos including member only content. You can also filter out videos based on any attributes a YouTube notification can have like title, description, tags and more.Learn more

Custom Bot Appearance

Tailor the bot's appearance to your server's style. Change the bot's name and avatar globally or for each individual notification channel.Learn more



Automate manual actions with effects. Like automatic cross-posting on announcement channels, removing the notification after a certain time, or even changing the notification's content after a delay.Learn more

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